The Rest of Nigeria, Africa and the World
In the modern world, no single geopolitical entity exists in isolation from the rest of the world. This is why MARTINA CENTRE will take into account the wider context of Nigeria, Africa and the World.
Apart from the general macro-economic and socio-political problems, MARTINA CENTRE will endeavor to examine specific problems confronting other peoples of Nigeria, Africa and the World and strategies that have been adopted to resolve them. In other words, MARTINA CENTRE will from time to time undertake comparative studies and/or collaborative work with other organizations interested in the transformation of other poverty-stricken communities. It is our hope that, as we consolidate and expand, we shall be able to have exchange study visits with other African countries, the Indian sub-continent and south-East Asia where NGO’s have contributed enormously to the development and empowerment of the poor.
Other Activities
In addition, MARTINA CENTRE has been conducting:
Training programs – (using our pool of affiliated experience personnel and technical Partners, we conduct trainings from time to time on issues of sustainable development especially in the areas of National Planning and Budgeting, Micro Credit implementation and Sustainable Livelihood initiatives.
Workshops, Conferences, Seminars and Lectures
Here MARTINA CENTRE hopes to depart from the conventional elite – centered format of bringing together intellectual and bureaucrats to luxury hotels in urban centers. We will practice a greater mix of elite and ordinary people (the poor) in both urban and rural setting to exchange ideas on specific problems, and work out practical interventionists’ strategies. It should be possible to see conferences/workshops as a process which starts with processed ideas through discussions, practical examination of problems, and mobilization of resource and intervention; followed by a post-operational assessment and development of framework for national policy implementation.
MARTINA CENTRE will liaise with Federal, State and Local Governments as well as other federal government agencies in Nigeria, including various National and International Funding agencies to source funds for specific projects related to the specific and general objectives of the CENTRE.